Tim Berard Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociology, Kent State University
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Tim Berard, Ph.D.

Mardi Kidwell, Communication, University of New Hampshire, US

"'Calm Down': The Role of Gaze in the Interactional Management of Hysteria by the Police." Discourse Studies 8(6): 745-770.

'Gaze as Social Control: How very young children differentiate "the look" from a "mere look" by their adult caregivers.' Research on Language and Social Interaction 38(4): 417-449. 2005.

Celia Kitzinger, Sociology, University of York, UK

'Heteronormativity in Action: Reproducing the Heterosexual Nuclear Family in After-hours Calls.' Social Problems 52(4): 477-498. 2005.

Martha Komter, Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands

'Understanding Problems in an Interpreter-Mediated Police Interrogation.' In Stacy Burns (ed.), Ethnographies of Law and Social Control. JAI Press. 2005.

'The Interactional Dynamics of Eliciting a Confession in a Dutch Police Interrogation.' Research on Language and Social Interaction 36(4): 433-470. 2003.

'The Suspect's Own Words: The Treatment of Written Statements in Dutch Courtrooms.' Journal of Forensic Linguistics 9(2): 168-192. 2002.

'La Construction de la Preuve dans un Interrogatoire de Police' ['The Construction of Evidence in Police Interrogation']. Pp. 367-393 in Baudouin Dupret (ed.), 'Le Droit en Action et en Contexte. Ethnométhodologie et Analyse de Conversation dans la Recherche Juridique' [Law in Action and in Context: Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis in Research in the Field of Law]. Droit et Société 48: 367-93. 2001.

Dilemmas in the Courtroom: A Study of Trials of Violent Crimes in the Netherlands. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1998

‘Remorse, Redress, and Reform: Blame-Taking in the Courtroom.’ Pp. 239-264 in Max Travers and John Manzo (ed.), Law in Action: Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Approaches to Law. Brookfield, USA: Ashgate. 1997

'Berouw in de Rechtszaal' [Remorse in the Courtroom]. Pp. 101-122 in L. Meeuwesen and H. Houtkoop-Steenstra (red.), Sociale Interactie in Nederland. Utrecht: ISOR. 1997

'The Distribution of Knowledge in Courtroom Interaction.' Pp. 107-128 in Paul ten Have and George Psathas (ed.), Situated Order: Studies in the Social Organization of Talk and Embodied Activities. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America. 1995

‘Accusations and Defences in Courtroom Interaction.’ Discourse and Society 5: 165-187. 1994

Curtis LeBaron, Organizational Leadership & Strategy, Marriott School of Management, Brigham Young University, USA

Co-author with W. Beach. 'Body Disclosures: Attending to Personal Problems and Reported Sexual Abuse During a Medical Encounter.' Journal of Communiation 52(3): 617-639. 2002.

Curis LeBaron and Jurgen Streeck. 'Space, Surveillance, and Interactional Framing of Participants' Experience During a Police Interrogation.' Human Studies 20: 1-25. 1997.

'Looking for Verbal Deception in Clarence Thomas's Testimony.' In S.L. Ragan et al., The Lynching of Language: Gender, Politics, and Power in the Hill-Thomas Hearings. Chicago: University of Illinois Press. 1996.

Ken Liberman, Sociology, University of Oregon, USA

'Understanding Aborigines in Australian Courts of Law.' Human Organization 40(3): 247-255. 1981.

Michael Lynch, Science & Technology Studies, Cornell University, USA

"Law courts as perspicuous sites for ethnomethodological investigations." Pp. 107-120 in Stephen Hester and David Francis (eds.), Orders of Ordinary Action: Respecifying Sociological Knowledge. 2007.

Michael Lynch and Ruth McNally, '"Science," "Common Sense," and DNA Evidence: A Legal Controversy about the Public Understanding of Science.' Public Understanding of Science 12: 83-103. 2003.

Michael Lynch and Ruth McNally, 'Science, Common Sense, and Common Law: Courtroom Inquiries and the Public Understanding of Science.' Social Epistemology 13: 183-96. 1999.

Michael Lynch and David Bogen, 'The Struggle Between Testimony and Evidence at the Iran-Contra Hearings.' Pp. 53-76 in Paul Jalbert (ed.), Media Studies: Ethnomethodological Approaches. Lanham, New York: Oxford University Press of America. 1999.

'The Discursive Production of Uncertainty: The OJ Simpson "Dream Team" and the Sociology of Knowledge Machine.' Social Studies of Science 28(5-6): 829-868. 1998.

‘Preliminary Notes on Judges’ Work: The Judge as a Constituent of Courtroom “Hearings.”' Pp. 99-130 in Max Travers and John Manzo (ed.), Law in Action: Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Approaches to Law. Brookfield, USA: Ashgate. 1997.

Michael Lynch and David Bogen, 'Lies, Recollections and Categorical Judgements in Testimony.' Pp. 99-122 in Stephen Hester and Peter Eglin (ed.), Culture in Action: Studies in Membership Categorization Analysis. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America. 1997.

Michael Lynch and David Bogen. The Spectacle of History: Speech, Text and Memory at the Iran-Contra Hearings. Durham: Duke University Press. 1996.

Michael Lynch and Kathleen Jordan. 'L'affaire Williams: Un exercice de sociologie de la connaissance scientifique.' Reseaux 71: 31-54. 1995.

Co-Author with David Bogen, 'Taking Account of the Hostile Native: Plausible Deniability and the Production of Conventional History in the IranContra Hearings.' Social Problems 36: 197-224. 1989.

Coauthor with A. Brannigan. ‘On Bearing False Witness: Perjury and credibility as interactional accomplishments.’ Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 16: 115-146. 1987.

‘Closure and Disclosure in pre-trial Argument.’ Human Studies 5: 15-33. 1982.

John Manzo, Sociology, University of Calgary, Canada

Co-authored with M. Bailey, 'On the Assimilation of Racial Stereotypes among Black Canadian Young Offenders.' Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 42(3):283-300. 2005.

'Social Control and the Management of "Personal" Space in Shopping Malls.' Space and Culture 8(1): 83-97. 2005.

'On the Sociology and Social Organization of Stigma: Some Ethnomethodological Insights.' Human Studies 27(4): 401-416. 2004.

'The Folk Devil Happens to Be Our Best Customer: Security Guards' Orientations to "Youth' in Three Canadian Shopping Malls.' International Journal of the Sociology of Law 32(3): 243-261. 2004.

‘Ethnomethodology, Conversation Analysis, and the Sociology of Law.’ Pp. 1-15 in Max Travers and John Manzo (ed.), Law in Action: Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Approaches to Law. Brookfield, USA: Ashgate. 1997.

Co-authored with Doug Maynard, ‘Justice as a Phenomenon of Order: Notes on the Organization of a Jury Deliberation’. Pp. 209-237 in Max Travers and John Manzo (ed.), Law in Action: Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Approaches to Law. Brookfield, USA: Ashgate. 1997.

Co-edited with Max Travers, Law in Action: Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Approaches to Law. Brookfield, USA: Ashgate. 1997.

'Taking Turns and Taking Sides: Opening Scenes from Two Jury Deliberations.' Social Psychology Quarterly 59: 107-25. 1996.

‘ “You Wouldn’t Take a Seven-Year-Old and Ask Him All These Questions”: Jurors’ Use of Practical Reasoning in Supporting their Arguments.’’ Law and Social Inquiry 19: 601-626. 1994.

‘Jurors’ Narratives of Personal Experience in Deliberation Talk.’ Text 13: 267-290. 1993.

Co-author with Doug Maynard. 'On the Sociology of Justice: Theoretical Notes from an Actual Jury Deliberation.' Sociological Theory 11: 171-93. 1993.

Esther Gonzalez Martinez, Departement des Sciences de la Societe, Universite de Fribourg, Switzerland

Flagrantes Auditions: Echanges Langagiers lors d'Interactions Judiciaires [Flagrant Hearings: Talk During Judicial Interactions]. Bern: Peter Lang. 2007.

'The Interweaving of Talk and Text in a French Criminal Pre-Trial Hearing.' Research on Language and Social Interaction 39(3): 229-261. 2006.

'The Organization of Talk in "Immediate Trial" Hearings.' The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 12(1): 125-127. (2005).

'Organisation et accountability de l'audition de comparution immediate' [Organization and Accountability of the 'Immediate Trial' Hearing] Reseaux 23(129/130): 209-241. (2005).

'Comment agir en confiance avec un partenaire dont on se mefie?' ['How can one trust a partner of whom one is suspicious']. Reseaux 19(108): 87-123. 2001.

'La "declaration" dans le cadre d'une procedure penale ou la constitution d'un "je" multiple et rassembleur' ['The "statement" in the context of criminal proceedings or the constitution of a multiple and unifying "I"']. Revue Suisse de Sociologie 26(3): 591-614. 2000.

Greg Matoesian, Criminal Justice, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Law and the Language of Identity: Discourse in the William Kennedy Smith Rape Trial. New York: Oxford University Press. 2001.

Greg Matoesian and James R. Coldren, 'Evaluer la Police de Proximité: Style Indirect, Ambiguïté et Paroles Rapportées dans un Contexte Juridique Bureaucratique' ['Reported Speech: An Evaluation of Legal-Bureaucratic Goals, Culture and Identity']. Pp. 395-415 in Baudouin Dupret (ed.), 'Le Droit en Action et en Contexte: Ethnométhodologie et Analyse de Conversation dans la Recherche Juridique' [Law in Action and in Context: Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis in Research in the Field of Law]. Droit et Société 48. 2001.

'Intertextuality, Affect and Ideology in Legal Discourse.' Text 19(1): 73-109. 1999.

'"I'm Sorry We Had to Meet under These Circumstances": Verbal Artistry (and Wizardry) in the Kennedy Smith Rape Trial.' Pp. 137-182 in Max Travers and John Manzo (ed.), Law in Action: Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Approaches to Law. Aldershot: Ashgate. 1997.

Reproducing Rape: Domination through Talk in the Courtroom. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1993.

Doug Maynard, Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA

'Comment: Bad News and Good News: Losing vs. Finding the Phenomenon in Legal Settings.' Law & Social Inquiry 31(2): 477-497. 2006.

'Social Actions, Gestalt Coherence, and Designations of Disability: Lessons from and about Autism.' Social Problems 52(4): 499-524. 2005.

Doug Maynard and John Manzo, ‘Justice as a Phenomenon of Order: Notes on the Organization of a Jury Deliberation’. Pp. 209-237 in Max Travers and John Manzo (ed.), Law in Action: Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Approaches to Law. Brookfield, USA: Ashgate. 1997.

Co-author with C.L. Marlaire, ‘Social Problems and the Organization of Talk in Interaction.' Pp. 173-198 in J.A. Holstein and G. Miller (ed.), Reconsidering Social Problems: Debates in Social Problems Theory. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. 1993.

Doug Maynard and John Manzo, 'On the Sociology of Justice: Theoretical Notes from an Actual Jury Deliberation.' Sociological Theory 11: 171-93. 1993.

'Narratives and Narrative Structure in Plea Bargaining.' In J. Levi and A. Walker (ed.), Language in the Judicial Process. New York: Plenum Press. 1992.

'On the Ethnography and Analysis of Discourse in Institutional Settings.' Perspectives on Social Problems 1: 127-146. 1989.

'Language, Interaction, and Social Problems.' Social Problems 35: 311-34. 1988.

'Narratives and Narrative Structure in Plea Bargaining.' Law & Society Review 22(3): 449-81. 1988.

'The Problem of Justice in the Courts Approached by the Analysis of Plea Bargaining Discourse.' Pp. 153-179 in T.A. van Dijk (ed.), Handbook of Discourse Analysis, Vol. III. London: Academic Press. 1985.

Inside Plea Bargaining: The Language of Negotiation. New York: Plenum Press. 1984.

'Language in Court.' American Bar Foundation Research Journal 1: 211-222. 1983.

'Social Order and Plea Bargaining in the Court.' Sociological Quarterly 24: 233-51. 1983.

'Person Description in Plea Bargaining.' Semiotica 42: 195-213. 1982.

Albert J. Meehan, Sociology and Anthropology, Oakland University, USA

‘The Organizational Career of Gang Statistics: The Politics of Policing Gangs.’ The Sociological Quarterly 14(3): 337-370. August, 2000.

‘The Transformation of the Oral Tradition of the Police through the Introduction of Information Technology.’ Pp. 107-132 in J.T. Ulmer (ed.), Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance, Vol 2. 2000.

‘The Impact of Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) Information Technology on Communication and Recording in Patrol Work.’ Qualitative Sociology 21(3): 225-254. Fall 1998.

‘Record-keeping Practices and the Policing of Juveniles.’ Urban Life 15: 70-102. April, 1986. [Reprinted, Pp. 183-208 in Max Travers and John Manzo (ed.,) Law in Action: Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Approaches to Law. Aldershot, UK: Dartmouth Publishing Co. 1997.

‘Policing and the Chronically Mentally Ill.’ Psychiatric Quarterly 66(2): 163-184. Summer 1995.

‘Internal Police Records and the Control of Juveniles: Politics and Policing in a Suburban Town.’ British Journal of Criminology 33(4): 504-524. Autumn 1993.

‘ “I Don’t Prevent Crime I Prevent Calls”: Policing as Negotiated Order.’ Symbolic Interaction 15(4): 455-480. 1992.

‘Assessing the Police Worthiness of Citizens’ Complaints: Accountability and the Negotiation of Facts,’ Pp. 116-140 in David Helm, W.T. Anderson, A.J. Meehan and A.W. Rawls (ed.), Interactional Order: New Directions in the Study of Social Order. New York: Irvington Press. 1989.

Michael Moerman, Emeritus, Anthropology, University of California @ Los Angeles, USA

'The Use of Precedent in Natural Conversation: A Study in Practical Legal Reasoning.' Semiotica 9(3): 193-218. 1973.

Harvey Molotch, Sociology, University of California @ Santa Barbara, USA

Harvey Molotch and D. Boden. 'Talking Social Structure: Discourse, Domination and the Watergate Hearings.' American Sociological Review 50(3): 273-288. 1985.


Jiri Nekvapil, Department of General Linguistics, Prague, Czech Republic.

Jiri Nekvapil and Ivan Leudar. "Of Police Interrogations and Interviews." Victimology 8: 31-52. 1998.

Jiri Nekvapil and Ivan Leudar. "On Dialogical Networks: Arguments about the Migration Law in Czech Mass Media in 1993." In Stephen Hester and W. Housley (ed.), Language, Interaction and National Identity. Aldershot: Ashgate. 2002.

Gilda Nicolau, Laboratoire d'Analyse Critique du Juridique, Paris, France

Le cabinet F1 117 20e Sud: Approche ethnométhodologique des pratiques d'un juge des enfants. Paris: Publications de l'université Paris 7 - Denis Diderot. 1997

Aug Nishizaka, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Meiji Gakuin University, Japan

"Jiyu no Shakaiteki Kosei:Shinri Ryoho no Shakai Chitsujo” [“The Social Construction of Freedom: The Social Order of A Psychiatric Conference”] Hoshakaigaku [The Sociology of Law] 44: 81-86. 1994.

Karin Osvaldsson, Department of Child Studies, Linköpings Universitet, Sweden

' "If you hang out with that kind of people"... Moral talk in forced social care.' In J. Cromdal and M. Tholander (ed.), Children, Interaction and Morality. N.Y: Nova Science. 2005.

'I don’t have no damn cultures: Doing normality in a deviant setting.' Qualitative Research in Psychology 1(3):239-264. 2004.

'On laughter and disagreement in multiparty assessment talk.' TEXT 24(4): 517-545. 2004.

Talking Trouble: Institutionality and Identity in a Youth Detention Home. Linkoping: Linkoping studies in arts and science 263. 2002.

'Social accounts in conference talk: A Case Study on the Voice of a Girl in an Assessment Center.' In P. Linell et al. (ed.), Samtal och språkanvändning i professionerna. Uppsala: ASLA Svenska föreningen för tillämpad språkvetenskap. 1999.

Mark Peyrot, Sociology, Loyola College, USA

Co-author with Stacy Burns: 'Tough Love: Nurturing and Coercing Responsibility and Recovery in California Drug Courts.' Social Problems 50: 416-438. 2003.

Co-author with Stacy Burns: 'Sociologists on Trial: Theoretical Competition and Juror Reasoning.' The American Sociologist 32: 42-69. 2001.

'Psychological Testing and Forensic Decision-Making: The Properties-in-Use of the MMPI.' Social Problems 42(4): 574-586. 1995.

'Institutional and Organizational Dynamics of Drug Treatment.' Social Problems 38(1): 20-33. 1991.

'Coerced Voluntarism: The Micropolitics of Drug Treatment.' Urban Life 13(4): 343-365. 1985.

'Caseload Management: Choosing Suitable Clients in a Community Health Clinic Agency.' Social Problems 30(2): 157-167. 1982.

Melvin Pollner, Deceased, Sociology, University of California @ Los Angeles, USA

Co-author with Jill Stein. 'Narrative Mapping of Social Worlds: The Voice of Experience in Alcoholics Anonymous.' Symbolic Interaction 19: 203-224. 1996.

Mundane Reason: Reality in Everday and Sociological Discourse. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1987.

'Explicative Transaction: making and managing meaning in traffic court'. Pp. 229-55 in G. Psathas (ed.), Everyday language: studies in ethnomethodology. New York: Irvington. 1979.

'Constitutive and Mundane Versions of Labeling Theory.' Human Studies 1: 269-288. 1978.

'The very coinage of your brain: Reality disjunctures and
their resolution.' Philosophy of the Social Sciences 5: 411-30. 1975.

'Sociological and Common-sense Models of the Labelling Process.' In Roy Turner (ed.), Ethnomethodology. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 1974.

Anita Pomerantz, Communication, State University of New York @ Albany, USA

‘Descriptions in Legal Settings.’ Pp. 226-243 in Graham Button and J. Lee (ed.), Talk and Social Organisation. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters. 1987.

With J.M. Atkinson, ‘Ethnomethodology, Conversation Analysis, and the Study of Courtroom Interaction.’ Pp. 283-297 in D.J. Mueller, D.E. Blackman and A.J. Chapman (ed.), Psychology and Law. New York: Wiley. 1984.

'Practices of Adjudicating in Small Claims Court.' Pp. 131-141 in V. D'Urso and P. Leonardi (ed.), Discourse Analysis and Natural Rhetoric. Padova: CLEUP. 1984.

'Evidence in Court.' In Proceeedings of Analisi del Discorse e Retorica Naturale. Padua, Italy: Cleup University of Padua Press. 1984.

'Speakers' Claims as a Feature of Describing: A Study of Presenting Evidence.' Journal of the Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne di Trieste. 1983.

Mark Rapley, School of International, Cultural and Community Studies, Edith Cowan University, Australia

The Social Construction of Intellectual Disability. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 2004.

Marc Relieu, Ecole Nationale Superieure des telecommunications, France

'L'intervention policiere comme action situee' in La relation de service dans le secteur public,' T.3, Les competences de l'agent, Plan urbain-RATP-DRI, pp. 173-193. 1993.

Harvey Sacks, Deceased, Sociology, University of California @ Los Angeles, USA

‘The Lawyer’s Work.’ Pp. 43-49 in Max Travers and John Manzo (ed.), Law in Action: Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Approaches to Law. Brookfield, USA: Ashgate. 1997.

‘Notes on Police Assessment of Moral Character.’ Pp. 31-75 in David Sudnow (ed.), Studies in Social Interaction. Glencoe: The Free Press. 1972.

Thomas Scheffer, Sociology, Freie Universitaet Berlin,  Germany

'Event and Process. An Exercise in Analytical Ethnography.' Human Studies 30(3): 167-197. 2007.

'The Duplicity of Testimonial Interviews - Unfolding and Utilising Multiple Temporalisation in Compound Procedures and Projects.' Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung [On-line Journal] 8(1), Art. 15. 2007.

'On procecdural discoursivation - or how local utterances are turned into binding facts.' Language & Communication 27: 1-27. 2007.

'File work, legal care, and professional habitus: An ethnographic reflection on different styles of advocacy.' International Journal of the Legal Profession 14(1): 57-81. 2007.

'Trial and Error - Failing and Learning in Criminal Proceedings.' International Journal for the Semiotics of Law. (with Kati Hannken-Illjes; Livia Holden; Alexander Kozin). 2007.

'Bound to One's Own Words? Early Defences and Their Binding Effects in Different Criminal Cases.' Law & Social Inquiry. (with Kati Hannken-Illjes and Alex Kozin). 2006.

'Law-in-Action versus Science-in-Action. How they differ and how they can benefit from their differences.' Zeitschrift fuer Rechtssoziologie 27(1): 67-86. 2006.

'The Microformation of Criminal Defence: On the Lawyer's Notes, Speech Production, and the Field of Presence.' Research on Language and Social Interaction (ROLSI) 39(3): 303-342. 2006.

'Materialities of Legal Proceedings.' International Journal for Semiotics of Law 17(4): 356 - 389. 2004.

'The Duality of Mobilisation. Following the rise and fall of an alibi-story on its way to court.' Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 33(3): 313-347. 2003.

Asylgewährung - Eine Ethnographische Analyse des Deutschen Asylverfahrens [Granting Asylum - An Ethnographic Analysis of the German Asylum Seeking Procedure]. K. Ammann, J.Bergmann and S.Hirschauer (Hg.), Qualitative Soziologie Bd.1. Stuttgart: Lucius&Lucius. 2001.

'Übergänge von Wort und Schrift: Zur Genese und Gestaltung von Anhörungsprotokollen in Asylverfahren' [Transitions of Talk and Writing: The Origins and Design of Protocols within Asylum Procedures]. Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie 20: 230-65. 1998.

'Jenseits der Konversation - Zur Konzeptualisierung von Asylanhörungen anhand der Ethnographischen Analyse ihrer Eröffnung' [Beyond Conversation - A Conceptualisation of Asylum-hearings based on the Ethnographic Analysis of their Opening]. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 24. 1998.

'Dolmetschen als Darstellungsproblem - Eine Ethnographische Studie zur Rolle der Dolmetscher in Asylanhörungen' [Interpretation as a Presentation Problem - An Ethnographic Analysis of the Interpreter's Role in Asylum-Hearings]. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 26: 159-80. 1997.

Emanuel Schegloff, Sociology, University of California at Los Angeles, USA

'On Complainability.' Social Problems 52(4):449-476. 2005.

Jack Sidnell, Anthropology, University of Toronto, Canada

'The design and positioning of questions in inquiry testimony.' In Ehrlich and Freed (ed.), "Why Do You Ask?": The Function of Questions in Institutional Discourse. Oxford University Press. Forthcoming.

Co-authored with Susan Ehrlich, '"I think that's not an assumption you ought to make": Challenging presuppositions in inquiry testimony.' Language in Society 35(5). Forthcoming in 2006.

'There's Risks in Everything: Extreme Case Formulations and Accountability in Inquiry Testimony.' Discourse and Society 15(6): 745-766. 2004.


Susan Silbey, Sociology and Anthropology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

(with Egon Bittner). "The Availability of Law." Law and Policy Quarterly 4(4): 399-434. 1982.

"Making Sense of the Lower Courts." Justice System Journal 6(1): 13-27. 1981.

"Case Processing: Consumer Protection in an Attorney General's Office." Law & Society Review 15(3-4): 849-881. 1981.


Calvin Smith, Teaching & Educational Development Institute, University of Queensland, Australia

"Competing constraints in alternative dispute resolution: the interactional achievement of formality and informality in mediation." Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 19(2): 79-114. 1996.

Dorothy Smith. Sociology, and Equity Studies in Education (emerita), University of Toronto, Canada.

'The Active Text: A Textual Analysis of the Social Relations of Public Textual Discourse.' Pp. 120-158 in Text, Facts, and Femininity: Exploring the Relations of Ruling. New York: Routledge. 1990.

‘K is Mentally Ill: The Anatomy of a Factual Account.’ Sociology 12: 23-53. 1978.

Jeff Stetson

Jeff Stetson. "Victim, Offender and Witness in the Emplotment of News Stories." Pp. 77-110 in Paul Jalbert (ed.), Media Studies: Ethnomethodological Approaches. Lanham: University Press of America. 1999.

Kenneth Stoddart, Emeritus, Sociology, University of British Columbia, Canada

"Pinched: Notes on the Ethnographer's Location of Argot." Pp. 173-179 in Roy Turner (ed.), Ethnomethodology. Baltimore: Penguin. 1974.


Liz Stokoe, Department of Social Sciences, Loughborough University, United Kingdom

Co-author with Derek Edwards. "Mundane morality and gender in familial neighbour disputes." In J. Cromdal & M. Tholander (Eds.), Children, morality and interaction. London: Equinox. (In press).

Co-author with Derek Edwards. "Asking ostensibly silly questions in police interrogations." In A.F. Freed & S. Ehrlich (Eds.), Why do you ask?: The function of questions in institutional discourse. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (In press).

Co-author with Derek Edwards.  ““Did you have permission to smash your neighbour’s door?” Silly questions and their answers in police-suspect interrogations." (In press with Discourse Studies).

Co-Author with A. Hepburn. “'You can hear a lot through the walls': Noise formulations in neighbour complaints." In J. Potter (Ed.), Discourse and Psychology. London: Sage. (2007). 

Co-author with Derek Edwards. "Story formulations in talk-in-interaction." In M. Bamberg (Ed.), Narrative: State of the art. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (2007).

Co-author with Derek Edwards. “'Black this, black that': Racial insults and reported speech in neighbour complaints and police interrogations." Discourse & Society 18(3): 337-372. (2007).

"Categories and sequences: Formulating gender in talk-in-interaction." In L. Litosseliti, H. Saunston, K. Segall and J. Sunderland (Eds.), Language and Gender Research Methodologies. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (In press).

"Public intimacy in neighbour relationships and complaints." Sociological Research Online, 11 (3) www.socresonline.org.uk/11/3/stokoe.html. (2006).

"On ethnomethodology, feminism, and the analysis of categorial reference to gender in talk-in-interaction." Sociological Review 54(3): 467-494. (2006).

Co-author with Derek Edwards. "Story formulations in talk-in-interaction." Narrative Inquiry 16(1): 59-68. (2006).

Co-author with A. Hepburn. "'You can hear a lot through the walls': Noise formulations in neighbour complaints'". Discourse & Society 16(5): 647-673. (2005). 

Co-author with J. Wallwork. "Space invaders: The moral-spatial order in neighbour dispute discourse." British Journal of Social Psychology 42: 551-569. (2003).

"Mothers, single women and sluts: Gender, morality and membership categorization in neighbour disputes." Feminism & Psychology 13(3): 317-344. (2003).

David Sudnow

'Normal crimes: sociological features of a penal code in a public defender's office.' Social Problems 12: 255-76. 1965.





Max Travers, Sociology & Social Work, University of Tasmania, Tasmania

'Sentencing in the Children’s Court: An Ethnographic Perspective”. Youth Justice 7(1): 21-35. 2007.

'Understanding Talk in Legal Settings: What Law and Society Studies Can Learn from a Conversation Analyst." Law & Social Inquiry 31(2): 447-465. 2006.

"Ethnomethodology" in Encyclopedia of Law and Society: American and Global Perspectives, ed. David Clark. 2006.

"Conversation Analysis"
in Encyclopedia of Law and Society: American and Global Perspectives, ed. David Clark. 2006.

'Ethnométhodologie, Analyse de Conversation et Droit' ['Ethnomethodology, Conversation Analysis and Law']. Pp. 349-366 in Baudouin Dupret (ed.), 'Le Droit en Action et en Contexte: Ethnométhodologie et Analyse de Conversation dans la Recherche Juridique' [Law in Action and in Context: Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis in Research in the Field of Law]. Droit et Société 48. 2001.

The British Immigration Courts: A Study of Law and Politics. Bristol: The Policy Press. 1999.

Max Travers and John Manzo (eds.), Law in Action: Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Approaches to Law. Brookfield, USA: Ashgate. 1997.

The Reality of Law: Work and Talk in a Firm of Criminal Lawyers. Dartmouth, Aldershot: Ashgate. 1997.

"Putting Sociology Back into the Sociology of Law." Law and Society 20(4): 438-451. 1993.

‘Persuading the Client to Plead Guilty: An Ethnographic Examination of a Routine Morning’s Work in the Magistrates’ Court.’ Manchester Sociology Occasional Papers No. 33, University of Manchester, UK. 1992.

Yoshitaka Wada, Graduate School of Law, Kyushu University, Japan

“Shikakku to shiteno Ethnomethodology” [“Ethnomethodology as a Perspective”]. Hoshakaigaku [The Sociology of Law] 44: 108-110. 1992.

Rod Watson, Sociology, University of Manchester, UK

'The Presentation of "Victim" and "Motive" in Discourse: The Case of Police Interrogations and Interviews.' Pp. 77-99 in M. Travers and J. F. Manzo (eds.), Law in Action. Aldershot, England: Dartmouth Publishing Company. 1997.

‘Some Features of the Elicitation of Confessions in Murder Interrogations.’ Pp. 263-295 in George Psathas (ed.), Interaction Competence. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America. 1990.

Co-author with Wes Sharrock, 'Talk and Police Work: Notes on the Traffic in Information.' In H. Coleman (ed.), Working with Language. The Hague: Mouton. 1988.

'Some Conceptual Issues in the Social Identification of Victims and Offenders.' In Emilio Viano (ed.), Victims and Society. Washington: Visage Press. 1976.

D. Lawrence Wieder, Communication, University of Oklahoma, USA

Co-author with Don Zimmerman, 'You Can't Help but Get Stoned: Notes on the Social Organization of Marijuana Smoking.' Social Problems 25: 198-207. 1977.

Language and Social Reality: the case of telling the convict code. The Hague: Mouton. 1974

Robin Williams. School of Sociology and Social Policy. University of Durham. U.K.

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Maria Wowk. Manchester Metropolitan University.

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