continual revision. Suggestions and corrections are welcome, especially references to non-English-language publications (with
translations of the titles, if possible).
Many thanks to those whose bibliographies have been instrumental in
compiling this resource, especially Paul ten Have; B.J. Fehr, Jeff Stetson and Yoshifumi Mizukawa (the 'Coulter bibliography');
and the bibliographies appearing in Max Travers and John Manzo (ed.), Law in Action: Ethnomethodological and Conversation
Analytic Approaches to Law. Special thanks to those whose personal e-mails have contributed to this bibliography, especially
Shiro Kashimura, Esther Gonzalez Martinez, and Baudouin Dupret.
Copyright Tim Berard 2008. Permission to duplicate
and distribute is granted for personal use and not-for-profit academic use.
Kei'ichi Ageishi, Faculty of Education and Humanities, Niigata University, Japan
"Bengoshi no Katari ni okeru 'Hoso no Ittaisei': Shiho Shiken Kaikaku wa Ikani Katarareta Ka?” [“The
'Unity' of the Legal Profession in Lawyers’ Talk: How was the Bar Examination Reform Discussed?"]. Minshohu Zasshi
[The Journal of Civil and Commercial Law]. Part I, 118(1): 29-70; Part II, 118(2): 178-216. 1998.
Bengoshi kara 'Kataru' Bengoshi e [“From a ‘Talked’ Lawyer to a ‘Talking’ Lawyer”]. Hoshakaigaku
[The Sociology of Law] 51: 165-170. 1993.
Max Atkinson, Atkinson Communications, Wells, Somerset, UK.
'Displaying Neutrality: Formal Aspects of In- formal Court Proceedings.' Pp. 199-211 in Paul Drew and John Heritage
(ed.), Talk at Work: Interaction in Institutional Settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1992.
with Anita Pomerantz, ‘Ethnomethodology, Conversation Analysis, and the Study of Courtroom Interaction.’ Pp. 283-297
in D.J. Mueller, D.E. Blackman and A.J. Chapman (ed.), Psychology and Law. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 1984.
Formality: The categorization and production of "formal" interaction.' The British Journal of Sociology 33(1): 86-117.
‘Ethnomethodological Approaches to Socio-Legal Studies.’ Pp. 201-223 in A. Podgorecki and C.J.
Whelan (ed.), Sociological Approaches to Law. London: Croom Helm. 1981.
Max Atkinson and Paul Drew, Order in Court:
The Organisation of Verbal Interaction in Judicial Settings. London: Macmillan. 1979.
'Sequencing and Shared Attentiveness
to Court Proceedings.' Pp. 257-286 in G. Psathas (ed.), Everyday Language: Studies in Ethnomethodology. New York: Irvington.
Discovering Suicide: Studies in the Social Organization of Sudden Death. London: MacMillan. 1978.
'Versions of Deviance. Sociological Review 22: 616-625. 1974.
'Status Integration, Suicide and Pseudo-Science.'
Sociology 4: 251-264. 1973.
'Societal Reactions to Suicide: The Role of Coroners' Definitions. Pp. 165-191 in S.
Cohen (ed.), Images of Deviance. Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin. 1971.
Wayne Beach, Communication,
San Diego State University, USA
Co-author with Curtis LeBaron, 'Body Disclosures: Attending
to Personal Problems and Reported Sexual Abuse During a Medical Encounter.' Journal of Communiation 52(3): 617-639. 2002.
Co-author with T.R. Metzger, 'Claiming Insufficient Knowledge.' Human Communication Research 23: 562-588. 1997.
Co-author with T.R. Metzger. 'Preserving Alternative Versions: Interactional Techniques for Organizing Courtroom Cross-Examinations.'
Communication Research 23(6): 749-765. 1996.
'Orienting to the Phenomenon.' Pp. 133-164 in Fred L. Casmir (ed.),
Building Communication Theories: A Socio-Cultural Approach. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. 1994.
'Intercultural Problems in Courtroom Interaction.' Pp. 215-221 in L.A. Samovar and R.E. Porter (ed.), Intercultural
Communication: A Reader, 6th ed. Belmont, California: Wasdsworth. 1990.
'Temporal Density in Courtroom Interaction:
Constraints on the Recovery of Past Events in Legal Discourse.' Communication Monographs 52: 1-18. 1985.
Kelly Benneworth, Sociology, University of York, UK
'Just good friends': Managing the clash of discourses in police
interviews with paedophiles.' In J. Cotterill (ed.), The Language of Sex Crimes. Basingstoke: Palgrave. 2007. 'Repertoires
of Paedophilia: Conflicting descriptions of adult-child sexual relationships in the investigative interview.' International
Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 13(2): 189-211. 2006. Doug
Benson. (Deceased). Sociology. University of Plymouth. U.K.
"The Police and Information Technology."
Pp. 81-97 in Graham Button (ed.), Technology in Working Order: Studies of work, interaction and technology. London: Routledge.
1993. Doug Benson and Paul Drew. "'Was there firing in Sandy Row that night?' Some features of the organisation of
disputes about recorded facts." Sociological Inquiry 48: 89-100. 1978.
Tim Berard, Justice
Studies, Kent State University, USA
'On the Observability of Inequality: From Concepts to
Methods.' Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 35: 236-256. 2006.
'Extending Hate Crime Legislation to Include Gender:
Explicating an Analogical Method of Advocacy.’ Qualitative Sociology Review 1(2)[Available on-line]. 2005.
'Evaluative Categories of Action and Identity in Non-Evaluative Human Studies Research: Examples from Ethnomethodology.'
Qualitative Sociology Review 1(1) [Available on-line]. 2005.
‘On Multiple Identities and Educational Contexts:
Remarks on the study of inequalities and discrimination.’ Journal of Language, Identity, and Education 4(1): 67-76.
'Ethnomethodology as Radical Sociology: An Expansive Appreciation of Melvin Pollner's "Constitutive
and Mundane Versions of Labeling Theory."' Human Studies 26: 431-48. 2003.
'Moving Forward by Looking Back:
Revisiting Melvin Pollner's "Constitutive and Mundane Versions of Labeling Theory"', Human Studies 25: 495-98. 2002.
‘ “Japanese American” Identity and the Problem of Multiple Description: Disjunctive Versions of
the Japanese Exclusion Order.’ Pp. 144-168 in Stephen Hester and W. Housley (ed.), Language, Interaction, and National
Identity: Studies in the Social Organisation of National Identity. Ashgate. 2002.
'Attributions and Avowals of
Motive in the Study of Deviance: Resource or Topic?' Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 28(2): 193-213. 1998.
Jack Bilmes, Anthropology, University of Hawaii @ Manoa, USA
and Compromise: A Microanalysis of a Discussion in the Federal Trade Commission.' Pp. 61-81 in A. Firth (ed.), The Discourse
of Negotiation: Studies of Language in the Workplace. Pergamon Press. 1995.
'Dividing the Rice: A Microanalysis
of the Mediator's Role in a Northern Thai Negotiation.' Language in Society 21: 569-602. 1992.
'Proposition and
Confrontation in a Legal Discussion.' Semiotica 34(3-4): 251-275. 1981.
Egon Bittner, Sociology (emeritus),
Brandeis University, USA
Aspects of Police Work. Boston: Northeastern University Press.
With D. Bayley, 'Learning the Skill of Policing.' Law and Contemporary Problems 48. 1985.
and Accountability in Policing.' In M. Punch (ed.), Control in the Police Organization. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 1983.
With S. Silbey, 'The Availability of Law.' The Law and Police Quarterly 4. 1982.
With S. Krantz, Police
Handling of Juvenile Problems. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger. 1977.
'Policing Juveniles: The Social Bases of Common
Practice.' In M. Rosenheim (ed.), Pursing Justice for the Child. 1976.
With J. Conklin, 'Burglary in a Suburb.'
Criminology 11. 1973.
'The Police on Skid Row: A Study of Peace Keeping.' American Sociological Review 32: 699-715.
'Police Discretion in Emergency Apprehension of Mentally Ill Persons.' Social Problems 14: 278-92. 1967.
With A. Platt, 'The Meaning of Punishment.' Issues in Criminology 2. 1966.
Dusan Bjelic, Criminology,
University of Southern Maine, USA
Stacy Burns, Sociology, Loyola Marymount University,
'Demonstrating "Reasonable Fear" At Trial: Is it Science or Junk Science?'
Human Studies 31: 107-131. 2008.
Editor, Ethnographies of Law and Social Control [Sociology of Crime, Law and
Deviance, Vol. 6]. JAI Press. 2005.
'Introduction to Ethnographies of Law and Social Control.' In Stacy Burns
(ed.), Ethnographies of Law and Social Control. JAI Press. 2005.
'Pursuing "Deep Pockets": Insurance-Related
Issues in Judicial Settlement Work.' Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 33: 111-153. 2004. Co-author with Mark Peyrot:
'Tough Love: Nurturing and Coercing Responsibility and Recovery in California Drug Courts.' Social Problems 50: 416-438. 2003. Co-author with Mark Peyrot: 'Sociologists on Trial: Theoretical Competition and Juror Reasoning.' The American
Sociologist 32: 42-69. 2001.
'"Think Your Darkest Thoughts and Blacken Them": Judicial Mediation
of Large Money Damage Disputes.' Human Studies 24: 227-49. 2001. 'Impeachment Work in the Menendez Brothers' Murder
Trial.' Pp. 233-256 in J. Ulmer (ed.), Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance, vol. 2, JAI/Elsevier Science. 2000. 'Making
Settlement Work: An Examination of the Work of Judicial Mediators.' Dartmouth/Ashgate Press. 2000. 'The Name of the
Game is Movement: Concession Seeking in Judicial Mediation of Large Money Damage Cases.' Mediation Quarterly 15: 359-367.
1998. ‘Practicing Law: A Study of Pedagogic Interchange in a Law School Classroom.’ Pp. 265-287 in Max Travers
and John Manzo (ed.), Law in Action: Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Approaches to Law. Brookfield, USA: Ashgate.
‘Lawyers’ work in the Menendez brothers’ murder trial.’ Issues in Applied Linguistics
7: 19-32. 1996.
Aaron Cicourel, Cognitive Science, University of California @ San Diego, USA
The Social Organization of Juvenile Justice. New Brunswick, USA: Transaction. 1995.
and the Attribution of Responisibility.' Pp. 142-157 in R.A. Scott and J.D. Douglas (ed.), Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance.
New York: Basic Books. 1972.
Co-author with J.I. Kitsuse. ‘A Note on the Use of Official Statistics.’
Social Problems 11: 131-139. 1963.
Jeff Coulter, Sociology, Boston University, USA
'The Grammar of Schizophrenia.' Pp. 161-171 in What is Schizophrenia?, ed. William F. Flack, Jr., D. Miller
and M. Wiener. New York: Springer-Verlag. 1991.
'The Metaphysics of Mental Illness.' Pp. 140-152 in J. Coulter,
The Social Construction of Mind. Totowa, New Jersey: Rowman and Littlefield. 1979.
'Perceptual Accounts and Interpretive
Asymmetries.' Sociology 9(3): 385-396. 1975.
'What's Wrong with the New Criminology?' The Sociological Review 22(1):
119-135. 1974.
Approaches to Insanity: A Philosophical and Sociological Study. London: Martin Robertson. 1973.
Robert Dingwall, Director of the Institute for the Study of Genetics, Biorisks and Society, and Professor
of Sociology, University of Nottingham, UK
'Ethnomethodology and Law.' Pp. 227-244 in R. Banakar and Max Travers (ed.),
An Introduction to Law and Social Theory. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 2002.
'Language, Law and Power: Ethnomethodology, Conversation Analysis
and the Politics of Law and Society Studies.' Law and Social Inquiry 25(3): 885-911. 2000.
Co-author with David
Greatbatch, 'Professional Neutralism in Family Mediation.' Pp. 271-292 in S. Sarangi and C. Roberts (ed.), Talk, Work and
Institutional Order: Discourse in Medical, Mediation and Management Settings. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 1999.
Co-author with David
Greatbatch, 'The Marginalization of Domestic Violence in Divorce Mediation.' International Journal of Law, Policy and the
Family 13: 174-90. 1999.
Co-author with David Greatbatch,
'Talk and Identity in Divorce Mediation.' Pp. 121-132 in Charles Antaki and S. Widdicombe (ed.), Identities in Talk. London: Sage. 1998.
Dingwall, David Greatbatch and L. Ruggerone, 'Gender and Interaction in Divorce Mediation.' Mediation Quarterly 15(4): 277-285.
Co-author with David Greatbatch, 'Argumentative Talk in Divorce Mediation Sessions.' American Sociological
Review 62: 151-70. 1997.
Robert Dingwall and David Greatbatch, `The Interactive Construction of Interventions
by Mediators.' Pp. 84-109 in J. Folger and T. Jones (ed.), New Directions in Mediation: Communication Research and Perspectives,
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 1994.
with David Greatbatch, `Divorce mediation - The Virtues of Formality?' Pp. 391-99 in J.M Eekelaar and M. Maclean (ed.), OxfordReadings in Socio-Legal Studies: Family Law. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press. 1994.
Co-author with
David Greatbatch, 'Selective Facilitation: Some Preliminary Observations on a Strategy Used by Divorce Mediators.' Law and
Society Review 23(4): 613-641. 1989. [Reprinted in abridged and edited form in Family and Conciliation Courts Review 28(1):
53-64. 1990.]. [Reprinted in C. Menkel-Meadow (ed.), Mediation: Theory, Policy and Practice. Aldershot: Ashgate. 2001.]
or Enforcement?: Some Questions about Power and Control in Divorce Mediation.' Pp. 150-167 in R. Dingwall and J.M. Eekelaar
(ed.), Divorce Mediation and the Legal Process: British Practice and International Experience. Oxford, UK: OxfordUniversity Press. 1988.
Paul Drew, Sociology,
University of York, UK
Evidence in Courtroom Examination: The Case of a Trial for Rape.’ Pp. 470-520 in Paul Drew and John Heritage (ed.),
Talk at Work: Social Interaction in Institutional Settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1992. [Reprinted, Pp. 51-76
in Max Travers and John Manzo (ed.), Law in Action: Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Approaches to Law. Brookfield,
USA: Ashgate. 1997.]
'Asymmetries of Knowledge in Conversational Interactions.' Pp. 21-48 in I. Markova and K.
Foppa (ed.), Asymmetries in Dialogue. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf. 1991.
‘Strategies in the Contest
between Lawyer and Witness in Cross-examination.’ Pp. 39-64 in N. Levi and A.G. Walker (ed.), Language in the Judicial
Process. New York: Plenum Press. 1990.
'Analyzing the Use of Language in Courtroom Interaction.' Pp. 133-147 in
T.A. van Dijk (ed.), Handbook of Discourse Analysis, Vol. III. London: Academic Press, vol. III. 1985.
with Max Atkinson, Order in Court: The Organisation of Verbal Interaction in Judicial Settings. London: Macmillan. 1979.
Co-Author with Doug Benson, '"Was there Firing in Sant Row that Night?": Some Features of the Organisation
of Disputes about Recorded Facts.' Sociological Inquiry 48: 89-100. 1978.
'Accusations: The Occasioned Use of
Members' Knowledge of 'Religious Geography' in Describing Events.' Sociology 12: 1-22. 1978.
Renaud Dulong, Centre d'Etude des Mouvements Sociaux, Paris, France
Renaud Dulong and J.M. Marandin. "Analyse des dimensions constitutives
de l'aveu en reponse a une accusation." In R. Dulong (ed.), L'aveu: Histoire, Sociologie, Philosophie. Paris: PUF. 2001.
Le témoin oculaire: les conditions de l'attestation personnelle [The eye witness: social conditions of
personal testimony]. Paris: Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales [Recherches d'histoire et de sciences
sociales / Studies in History and the Social Sciences, 79]. 1998.
" 'On n'a pas le Droit...': Sur les formes
d'appropriation du droit dans les interactions ordinaires." Pp. 257-264 in F. Chazel and J. Commaille (ed.), Normes Juridiques
et Regulation Sociale. Paris: Librairie Generale de Droit et de Jurisprudence. 1991.
Baudouin Dupret, Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique, Institut Francais du Proche-Orient, Paris, France
'What Is Islamic Law? A praxiological
answer and an Egyptian case study.' Theory, Culture and Society 24(2): 79-100. 2007.
'Morality on trial: Structure
and intelligibility system of a court sentence concerning homosexuality.' Qualitative Sociology Review 2(2):7-31. 2006.
'Praxeology.' In D.S. Clark (ed.), Encyclopedia of Law and Society. Sage Publications. 2006.
Le Jugement
en action. Ethnométhodologie du droit, de la morale et de la justice en Egypte (Adjudication in Action: Ethnomethodology
of Law, Morality and Justice in Egypt). Geneva: Librairie Droz. 2006.
'Le corps mis au langage du droit. Comment
conférer à la nature une pertinence juridique.' (The Body in the Language of the Law: How to Ascribe Legal Relevance
to Nature). Droit & Société 61: 5-28. 2005.
Editor, Special Issue, 'Droit et expertise dans une
perspective praxéologique (Law and Expertise in a Praxiological Perspective). Droit et Société 61. (With
contributions by G. Matoesian, B. Dupret, J. Holstein, M. Lynch, L. Zappulli). 2005.
'Legal Pluralism, Plurality
of laws, and Legal Practices: Theories, Critiques, and Praxiological Remedy.' In B. Dupret & F. Burgat (eds.), Le cheikh
et le Procureur. Systèmes coutumiers, centralisme étatique et pratiques juridiques au Yémen et en Egypte.
Le Caire, CEDEJ (coll. Egypte - Monde arabe, No. 1). 2005.
Co-Author with J.N. Ferrié, 'Public/Private and
references to Islam: A Praxiological Perspective.' In A. Salvatore and M. LeVine (eds.), Religion, Social Practice, and Contested
Hegemonies: Reconstructing the Public Sphere in Muslim Majority Societies. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2005.
Practice of Judging: The Egyptian Judiciary at Work in a Personal Status Case.' In M.K. Masud, R. Peters and D. Powers (eds.),
Dispensing justice in Muslim courts: Qadis, procedures and judgments. Leiden: E.J. Brill. 2005.
de la référence: Usages de la sharî`a islamique dans le contexte judiciaire égyptien.' (The Authority
of Reference: Uses of Islamic Sharia in an Egyptian Judicial Context). Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions 125: 189-209.
Co-author with J.N. Ferrié,'Préférences et pertinences: Analyse praxéologique
des figures du compromis en contexte parlementaire à propos d'un débat égyptien.' (Preferences and Relevances:
A Praxiological Approach to Forms of Compromise in an Egyptian Parliamentary Context). Informations sur les sciences sociales/
Social Science Information 43(2): 263-290. 2004.
'Morale ou nature: Négocier la qualification de la faute
dans une affaire égyptienne d'homosexualité.' (Morality or Nature: Negotiating the Characterization of the Offense
in an Egyptian Case of homosexuality). Négociation 2: 41-57. 2004.
'The Person in an Egyptian Judicial Context:
An Ethnomethodological Analysis of Courtroom Proceedings.' International Journal for the Semiotics of Law / Revue Internationale
de Semiotique Juridique 16(1): 15-44. 2003.
'Sexual Morality at the Egyptian Bar: Female Circumcision, Sex Change
Operations, and Motives for Suing.' Islamic Law and Society 9(1): 41-69. 2002.
'L'interprétation libérale
d'une Constitution socialiste: La Haute Cour Constitutionnelle égyptienne et la privatisation du secteur public.' Revue
interdisciplinaire d'études juridiques 48: 67-92. 2002. (Published in English: "A Liberal Interpretation of a
Socialist Constitution: The Egyptian Supreme Constitutional Court and Privatization of the Public Sector.' In E. Kienle (ed.),
Politics From Above, Politics From Below: The Middle East in the Age of Economic Reform. London: Saqi. 2003).
Special Issue, 'Le Droit en Action et en Contexte. Ethnométhodologie et Analyse de Conversation dans la Recherche Juridique.'
[Law in Action and Context: Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis in Legal Research]. Droit et Société
48. [With contributions by G. Matoesian, L. Zapulli, M. Komter, B. Dupret, M. Travers]. 2001.
Pp. 343-48 in Baudouin Dupret (ed.), 'Le Droit en Action et en Contexte. Ethnométhodologie et Analyse de Conversation
dans la Recherche Juridique' [Law in Action and in Context: Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis in Legal Research].
Droit et Société 48. 2001.
'L'intention en acte: Approche pragmatique de la qualification pénale
dans un contexte égyptien.' Droit & Société 48: 439-467. 2001. (Published in English: 'Intention
in Action: A Pragmatic Approach to Criminal Characterization in an Egyptian Context.' In B. Dupret (ed.), Standing Trial:
Law and the Person in the Modern Middle East. London: I.B. Tauris. 2004.)
'La typification des atteintes aux bonnes
moeurs: approche praxéologique d'une affaire égyptienne.' (The Typification of the Offense to Good Manners:
A Praxiological Approach to an Egyptian Case.) International Journal for the Semiotics of Law / Revue Internationale de Sémiotique
Juridique XI(33): 303-322. 1998.
Derek Edwards, Social Sciences,
Loughborough University, UK
"Managing subjectivity in talk." In A. Hepburn &
S. Wiggins (Eds.), Discursive research in practice: New approaches to psychology and interaction. Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge University Press. (In press).
"Intentionality and mens rea in police interrogations: The production of actions as crimes." Intercultural Pragmatics 5 (4). (In press). Co-author with A. Fasulo, '"To be honest": Sequential uses of honesty phrases in talk-in-interaction.'
Research on Language and Social Interaction 39(4):
343-376. (2006).
'Discourse, Cognition and Social Practices:
The Rich Surface of Language and Social Interaction.' Discourse Studies 8(1): 41-49. (2006).
'Facts, Norms and
Dispositions: Practical Uses of the Modal Would in Police Interrogations.' Discourse Studies 8(4): 475-501. (2006).
'Moaning, whinging and laughing: The subjective
side of complaints.' Discourse Studies 7(1): 5-29. (2005). Co-author with J. Potter. "Discursive psychology, mental states and
descriptions." Pp. 241-259 in H. te Molder & J. Potter (Eds), Conversation and Cognition. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. (2005).
Peter Eglin. Sociology, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
Peter Eglin and Stephen Hester, The Montreal Massacre: A Story of Membership Categorization Analysis.
Waterloo, Canada: Wilfred Laurier University Press. 2003.
Peter Eglin and Stephen Hester. 'Moral order and the
Montreal Massacre: A Story of Membership Categorization Analysis.' Pp. 195-230 in Paul Jalbert (ed.), Media Studies: Ethnomethodological
Approaches. Lanham, New York: Oxford University Press of America. 1999.
Peter Eglin and Stephen Hester. '"You're
All a Bunch of Feminists": Categorization and the Politics of Terror in the Montreal Massacre.' Human Studies 22: 253-72.
Co-author with Stephen Hester, A Sociology of Crime. London: Routledge. 1992.
‘The Meaning
and Use of Official Statistics in the Explanation of Deviance.’ Pp. 184-212 in R.J. Anderson, J.A. Hughes and W.W. Sharrock
(ed.), Classic Disputes in Sociology. London: Unwin Hyman. 1987.
Michel de Fornel, France
"Faire parler les objets. Perception, manipulation et qualification
des objets dans l'enquete policiere." Pp. 241-265 in B. Conein, N. Dodier, and L. Thevenot (ed.), De La maison au laboratoire
[Raisons pratiques no. 4]. Paris: Editions EHESS. 1993.
"Voir un evenement: Contes rendus de perception et
semantique des situations." Pp. 97-122 in J.L. Petit (ed.), L'evenement en perspective [Raisons pratiques no. 2]. Paris:
Editions EHESS. 1991.
"Sociopragmatique de la Conversation: Production, reception et sequentialisation des
recits de plainte." Cahiers du Credif 3: 165-189. 1988.
"Categorisation, Identification et reference
en analyse de conversation." Lexique 5: 161-195. 1987.
Garcia, Sociology, University of Cincinnati, USA
Co-authored with K. Vise and S. Whitaker, 'Disputing
Neutrality: When Mediation Empowerment is Perceived as Bias.' Conflict Resolution Quarterly 20(2): 205-230. 2002.
‘Negotiating Negotiations: The Collaborative Production of Resolution in Small Claims Mediation Hearings.’ Discourse
& Society 11: 315-43. 2000.
Co-authored with P. Parmer, 'Misplaced Mistrust: The Collaborative Construction
of Doubt in 911 Emergency Calls.' Symbolic Interaction 22(4): 297-324. 1999.
'Interactional Constraints on Proposal
Generation in Negotiation Hearings: A Preliminary Investigation.' Discourse & Society 8: 219-47. 1997.
Reasoning in Interactional Context: Strategic Uses of Care and Justice Arguments in Mediation Hearings.' Sociological Quarterly
66(2): 197-214. 1996.
'The Problematics of Representation in Community Mediation Hearings: Implications for Mediation
Practice.' Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare XXII (4): 23-46. 1995.
'Dispute Resolution without Disputing:
How the Interactional Organization of Mediation Hearings Minimizes Argument.' American Sociological Review 56: 818-35. 1991.
Garfinkel, Sociology (emeritus), University of California @ Los Angeles, USA
'Some Rules of
Correct Decision Making That Jurors Respect.' Pp. 104-115 in Studies in Ethnomethodology. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice
Hall. 1967.
"Passing and the Managed Achievement of Sex Status in an Intersexed Person" and "Appendix
to Chapter Five." Pp. 116-185 and Pp. 285-288 in Studies in Ethnomethodology. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice
Hall. 1967.
"Good Organizational Reasons for 'Bad' Clinic Records." Pp. 186-207 in Studies in Ethnomethodology.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 1967.
"Methodological Adequacy in the Quantitative Study of Selection
Criteria and Selection Practices in Psychiatric Outpatient Clinics." Pp. 208-261 in Studies in Ethnomethodology. Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 1967.
‘Practical Sociological Reasoning: Some features in the Work of
the Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Center.’ Pp. 171-187 in E.S. Schneidman (ed.), Essays in Self-Destruction. New York:
International Science Press. 1967. [Reprinted in M. Travers and J. Manzo (ed.), Law in Action].
of Successful Degradation Ceremonies.’ American Journal of Sociology 61: 241-244. 1956.
‘A Research
Note on Inter- and Intra-Racial Homicides.’ Journal of Social Forces 4: 369-381. 1948.
David Greatbatch, Visiting Senior Research
Fellow, Work, Interaction and Technology Research Group, King’s College, London, UK
Greatbatch and Robert Dingwall, 'Professional Neutralism in Family Mediation.' Pp. 271-292 in S. Sarangi and C. Roberts (ed.),
Talk, Work and Institutional Order: Discourse in Medical, Mediation and Management Settings. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 1999.
David Greatbatch and Robert Dingwall, 'The Marginalization of Domestic Violence in Divorce Mediation.' International
Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 13: 174-90. 1999.
David Greatbatch and Robert Dingwall, 'Talk and Identity
in Divorce Mediation.' Pp. 121-132 in Charles Antaki and S. Widdicombe (ed.), Identities in Talk. London: Sage. 1998.
David Greatbatch and Robert Dingwall, 'Argumentative Talk in Divorce Mediation Sessions.' American Sociological Review
62: 151-70. 1997.
David Greatbatch and Robert Dingwall. `The Interactive Construction of Interventions by Mediators.'
Pp. 84-109 in J. Folger and T. Jones (ed.), New Directions in Mediation: Communication Research and Perspectives, Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage. 1994.
David Greatbatch and Robert Dingwall, `Divorce mediation - The Virtues of Formality?' Pp.
391-99 in J.M Eekelaar and M. Maclean (ed.), Oxford Readings in Socio-Legal Studies: Family Law. Oxford: Oxford University
Press. 1994.
David Greatbatch and Robert Dingwall, `Selective Facilitation: Some Preliminary Observations on a
Strategy Used by Divorce Mediators.' Law and Society Review 23: 613-41. 1989. [Reprinted in abridged and edited form in Family
and Conciliation Courts Review 28: 53-64. 1990. Reprinted in C. Menkel-Meadow (ed.), Mediation: Theory, Policy and Practice.
Aldershot: Ashgate. 2001.]
Tim Halkowski, Department of Family Medicine, and Center for Urban Population Health, University
of Wisconsin Medical School, Milwaukee Clinical Campus, USA
'Hearing Talk: Generating Answers
and Accomplishing Facts.' Perspectives on Social Problems 4: 25-45. 1992.
'"Role" as an Interactional
Device.' Social Problems 37(4): 564-577. 1990.
Stephen Hester, Sociology, University of
Wales @ Bangor, UK
Co-Author with Peter Eglin, The Montreal Massacre: A Story of Membership Categorization
Analysis. Waterloo, Canada: Wilfred Laurier University Press. 2003.
'Describing "Deviance" in School:
Recognizably Educational Psychological Problems.' Pp. 133-150 in Charles Antaki and Sue Widdicombe (ed.), Identities in Talk.
London: Sage. 1998.
Stephen Hester and Peter Eglin. A Sociology of Crime. London: Routledge. 1992.
References to Deviance in Referral Talk.' Pp. 156-174 in G. Watson and R.M. Seiler (ed.), Text in Context: Contributions to
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